Behringer Neutron Patches

SPGP001 Self Generating Patch for Behringer Neutron Patch Name: SGP001 Author: Stefano Fasciani Notes: Made on Firmware 1.2.6 For a good listening, use loudspeakers or headphones with a decent response Continue Reading
SPGP001 Self Generating Patch for Behringer Neutron Patch Name: SGP001 Author: Stefano Fasciani Notes: Made on Firmware 1.2.6 For a good listening, use loudspeakers or headphones with a decent response Continue Reading
Overview The Tangible Virtual Patch Cord (TaViPaCo) is a system to tangibly manipulate the virtual patching cords in graphical programming environments, such as Max and Pure Data. The system includes Continue Reading
Overview The Spectral Granular Synthesis techniques sequence spectra of grains extracted from a source file, and it uses spectrogram inversion techniques to reconstruct its phase. It enables extracting grains of Continue Reading
This system allows to insert physical objects in audio digital signal processing chains, filtering the sound with the acoustic impulse response of any solid measured in real-time. Physical objects are Continue Reading
Simple monophonic FM sound synthesis with carrier, single modulator and low pass filter (wave table sinusoidal oscillators) based on STM32F746G-DISCO board. On board touch screen and additional ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer Continue Reading
Overview The Timbre Space Analyzer and Mapper (TSAM) is a Max/MSP tool for the analysis, modeling, and mapping of the timbre of sound synthesizers. It includes a background engine running in MATLAB Continue Reading
Overview The Timbre Space Mapping for VST Synthesizers (TMS4VSTS) is a system which implements mappings between control interfaces and parameters of sound synthesizers through timbre spaces. The system is implemented Continue Reading
Music has been part any human culture across the globe since more than 50,000 years, it has been influenced by social and technical factors like most of the arts, and Continue Reading
Allen & Heath Xone K2 is an extremely compact, powerful and versatile MIDI controllers with a built in 4 channels audio interface. I’ve been using a variable number of these devices for mappping the control Continue Reading
NUS Sound and Interaction Module NM4224 Topic: Prototyping and Implementation of Sound Interactive Systems Using Max/MSP Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6&7 Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Continue Reading