The paper 20 NIMEs: Twenty Years of New Interfaces for Musical Expression, co authored with Jackson Goode, and published at the 21st edition of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), provides figures and metrics over twenty years of NIME publications, which are derived by the automatic analysis of the the public archive of paper proceedings.
The paper provides detailed figures and trends on:
- Conference locations
- Conference chairs
- Keynote speakers
- Reviewers
- Number of published papers
- Length of the papers
- Number of times the papers has been cited
- Number of authors
- Gender of authors
- Author distribution
- Author affiliations
- Author collaboration
- Environmental impact for traveling to conferences
- Recurrent and emerging topics
The annual international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) started in 2001 as a two-days workshop at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in 2001 in Seattle, Washington. So far the NIME proceeding archive includes more than 2000 papers. Any kind of manual analysis can be extremely time consuming or not feasible. To facilitate and promote similar studies in the NIME community, we have also published toolkit for analyzing the NIME proceedings archive, which facilitates the bibliometric study of the conference papers and the identification of trends and patterns. The toolkit is implemented as a collection of Python methods that aggregate, scrape and retrieve various meta-data from published papers.
- Number of Published Papers
- Authorship Gender Distribution
- Authors’ Affiliation Geographical Distribution
- Wordcloud from the Body Text of all Papers
NIME Proceedings Analyzer on GitHub
Related Publications
J. Goode, S. Fasciani, “A Toolkit for the Analysis of the NIME Proceedings Archive”, in Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Auckland, New Zeland, 2022 [HTML]
S. Fasciani, J. Goode, “20 NIMEs: Twenty Years of New Interfaces for Musical Expression”, in Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Shanghai, China, 2021 [HTML]